Thursday, 31 March 2011

The instructions


Perhaps, this is the best one I made. I am using a whole 50gsm A4 paper.
It come back to me once i throw out by horizontal and looping.

Nearly done

Using the normal A4 printing paper, but it seems to heavy and can't turn for a complete circle.
So I have try to make a smaller vision and also using a 50gsm A4 paper,
but still can fly a perfect circle.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

way to record the flight path

Playing with different making type and material but it do not fly very good.

Research for more flight's design. I think this help a lot for designing the flight.

Trying out a different way to make paper flight. This time is not fold a normal A4 printing paper 
but using a heavy card and make it as a puzzle. However, it still not reaching my target.
The problem is too heavy.